Smart Apps Creator 3图形化的操作界面,让您可以在PC电脑上快速设计「数位互动新媒体」,一次编辑跨平台输出的功能,让您的全景设计时间,强大的输出应用功能,可直接App同步至iOS或Android装置上,或者输出App上架到Google Play;亦可以累积HTML5互动网页及Windows EXE档案格式,搭配行动装置与互动通知萤幕创造最佳的「数字互动新媒体」体验!
Smart Apps Creator 3提供图形化界面,可视化的拖拉放操作,让您更容易设计App。 跨平台应用 Smart Apps Creator 3 带来全新互动多媒体制作的新革命,一次编辑跨平台APP移动应用产出打造「快速、时间、上架」的「快时上」APP移动应用制作概念。
丰富的动画效果 Smart Apps Creator 3内建多组动画效果,让您的图片立刻动起来,内容更加的炫丽多变;使用高级动画可以灵活的调整您的动画呈现效果。 动画细节调整
出众的互动设置 Smart Apps Creator 3的交互设定功能所提供的多种组合,建立起STEM教育让您可以透过想像力、创造力来实现内容互动!且可以训练逻辑思维、解难能力,帮助您设计并实现更多的可能性。
Smart Apps Creator 3提供给您不需要上架AppStore / Google Play应用商店,只需要透过内部网路传输及独家阅读器,就可让您在iPad、iPhone或Android的手机和平板上操作您所设计的APP,让您更直觉的在装置上检查您所设计的APP是否设定正确喔!
Smart Apps Creator 3内建4大类共19组模版,如720度全景图、连线题、3D、360度旋转…等模组。只需要一键选择模版,更换属于自己的素材内容,轻松操作应用互动,让您的作品更臻完美。
Create attractive and interactive apps for iOS or Android devices and publish them on the iTunes Store or Google Play Store, with the help of this powerful application............. Read More : www.softpedia.com Smart Apps Creator is an apps design software on pc. No programming skill needed............. Read More :smart-apps-creator.soft32.com It's still very useful for creating a variety of media apps, and can also be useful for instruction, presentations, and introduction to apps on mobile and desktop alike............. Read More : http://www.tomsguide.com/ Smart Apps Creator 3 is shortlisted in the Innovation Product Awards – e-learning / Software / Apps category, GESS Dubai Education Awards 2018. Smart Apps Creator is listed in the 100 I.T. Innovative Elites by I.T. month.
"Hi, I downloaded and installed "Smart Apps Creator" on my desktop PC OS Win 8.1 with success. I really liked the "Graphic User Interface." It has a great impact (no eye confusion and distraction at all). The interface is really intuitive." -- Joseph Caristena, EGov Metrics, Italy (http://www.egovmetrics.com)
“I try to learn Android studio but I need to write and remember a lot of code to make apps. I search for product to use offline I found more than one link Convertigo, app builder, nest, etc; but Smart App Creator 3 … I try it all and I found your software easy to use and also isn’t like other software who claims as easy as they said.“ - Websites designer, English Teacher & YouTuber
“I bought a copy of Smart Apps Creator back in 2015 via one of your distributors in Hong Kong. I am very happy with the apps and would like to personally thank you for making such fantastic software.”
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